Saturday Communion Assistants

Saturday Communion Assistants

Saturday Night Communion Assistants

  • Come forward to the altar right after the Lord’s Prayer.
  • One of the communion helpers and the celebrant will commune each other first. The words with the bread are, “The Body of Christ given for you.” The words over the chalice are, “The Blood of Christ shed for you.”
  • Holding a chalice in each hand, the communion helper will then follow the celebrant in communing the musicians who have gathered in front of the altar.
  • After the musicians have communed, the celebrant will hand the other two chalices to the other communion helper, and all proceed down the chancel steps to the main floor. One cup bearer stands just to the celebrant’s right and the other to the left.
  • If someone drops a wafer into the chalice, get the celebrant’s attention and he or she will offer the communicant another wafer.
  • After all have communed, follow the celebrant back to the altar and place the chalices on the four corners of the credence table and cover with palls. Return to your pews.
  • The celebrant will return all other items to the credence table.