Service is at the heart of who we are at WHLC and the third part of our mission statement: Invite + Grow + Serve. At WHLC, there are plenty of ways to get involved, and share your talents to invest and serve the awesome community around us!
Central Iowa Shelter: WHLC has found multiple ways to contribute to the Central Iowa shelter in recent years. In the past, we would organize groups to serve meals at the shelter; in recent month however, our service has shifted to providing monetary funds directly to the shelter itself! If you visit our Donations link, you’ll find a line item where you can directly give to the Shelter!
Community Meal: Amongst our favorite parts of each week is the community meal we host every Wednesday at 5:30pm during the school year (5:15pm during Lent). Anyone is welcome to come for a delicious dinner! Every week, we have one person act as the head cook, while others can sign up to help serve the dish of the week and clean up afterwards. It’s really simple to do, and you’re welcome to cook or serve however you like! Cooks are welcome to prepare any food they like, and the church covers gathering groceries and pays for all supplies. A sign up sheet can be found in the Kitchen, or contact Zach if you are interested in helping!
Monthly Opportunities: Throughout the church year, we often partner will local organizations to assist in community & global needs. This has included collecting school supplies for Windsor Elementary, gathering materials for LWR Kits, and working with local food networks like DMARC. Contact us at the church office for more info on these volunteering opportunities.