What is the size of Windsor Heights Lutheran Church?
Over 800 people comprising of more than 250 households call Windsor Heights Lutheran their church home.
Where is Windsor Heights Lutheran Church located?
The church is located at 1240 66th Street in Windsor Heights, just one block north of University Ave. Check out a map to the church.
Is Windsor Heights Lutheran Church handicapped accessible?
Yes. There is one handicapped accessible entrance off the south parking lot. An elevator is just inside the doors that take you to the first floor where the sanctuary is located.
Is Windsor Heights Lutheran Church’s sanctuary air-conditioned?
Is Windsor Heights Lutheran Church affiliated with a larger church body?
Yes. Our congregation is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America that includes 4.2 million members across the United States. Learn more about the ELCA.
What can you tell me about the staff of Windsor Heights Lutheran Church?
Windsor Heights Lutheran is served by 10 paid staff: 2 pastors, 5 music staff, 1 financial staff, 1 program staff, and 1 office staff person. Learn more about the staff.
What is the worship schedule?
We currently worship on Sunday mornings (in person & live streamed) at 9:30am. Learn more about worship.
When are Sunday School classes offered?
Wednesday evening Faith Formation takes the form of Sunday School at WHLC. For Lent, we meet weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:00pm! Learn more about student ministries.
What can you tell me about confirmation classes?
Confirmation classes are offered for 7th and 8th graders on Wednesday evenings from 6:00pm-7:00pm during the school year (except during Lent). 9th graders meet every Wednesday in September and October.
What about weddings at Windsor Heights Lutheran Church?
Contact Pastor Chris to learn more.
How can I contact Windsor Heights Lutheran Church?
Fill out the Contact Us form on the right of this page. The church contact information is at the bottom of the page.