Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries

WHLC has an abundance of ministries for adults of all ages, background and talents! Groups are always open for anyone to join; drop by and check out a ministry, or feel free to contact either the church office or the leader of each group for more information on what they offer!

WELCA Bible Studies:
There are three WELCA groups that meet monthly for Bible study, three of which meet at the church and one of which meets in members homes. For more information, including who leads each study, contact Elaine Hites, WHLC’s Director of WELCA. Our Bible studies are:

  1. Ruth: Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, 9:30-10:30am in the Koinonia Room
  2. Mary: Meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month, 5:30-7:30pm in Room 127
  3. Naomi: Meets on the 3rd Monday of every month, 6:00-8:30pm at members homes

Men’s Bible Study: Started in 1974, the weekly Men’s Bible study has focused on the liturgy readings appointed for the upcoming Sunday.  The group currently meets on Tuesdays at 6:45 AM (via Google Chat) with a goal of finishing discussion at 7:45, allowing those employed participants to meet their start time at work.  To supplement the study, the group often engages in multi session studies of the Bible through video presentations.  The Pastors join us when they can. The group discussion provides opportunity for exploration of  theological, ethical and Christian discipline issues that emerge from the liturgy, the news of the day and personal challenges. Click HERE to chat link!

Fellowship & Learning: Following the 9:30am service each Sunday, congregants are meet in parish hall for coffee, donuts & fellowship. After about 10 minutes, Pastor Chris, or another speaker or host, will lead a time of learning, reflection & discussion on a specific topic for each week.

Book Club: WHLC Book Club meets Wednesdays at 6:00pm in the Koinonia Room. We read all kinds of books, fiction and non-fiction. We have read classics- Grapes of Wrath and Little Women. Contemporary fiction and non-fiction-News of the World, Tattoos of the Heart. We have read WHLC authors Mitch Yeager and David Safris. Lively discussions and great fellowship.

LWR Quilters: Quilts made by our Lutheran World Relief Quilters warm people all over the world. LWR Quilters meet in Crabtree Parish Hall, Mondays at 9:30 a.m. Before the quilts are shipped out to people in need, the are draped over the pews in the sanctuary for a special sending blessing during worship!

Pub Theology: Pub Theology meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:00 p.m., currently in the Koinonia Room at the church. You are welcome to bring carryout food and eat while we talk. What should be the relationship between our intellect and faith? Are faith and reason incompatible? Does your intellect ever hinder your faith, or is your faith enriched by critical thinking? All are welcome to join the discussion. If you would like to receive an email with background information prior to each Pub Theology, or would like more information, contact Pastor Chris.

Elderberries: We are a lively group of retired persons who enjoy the fellowship and the “great Lutheran buffet” at noon, followed by a special program. Elderberries meets on the first Thursday of every month, starting at 11:30 a.m.

Prayer Shawls: WHLC Prayer Shawl Ministry reaches out to those in need with a shawl made to comfort, console, and strengthen our family of faith. A shawl is a tangible reminder of God’s promise to always be with us. Called prayer shawls, the making of a shawl is a spiritual practice for the crafter. A prayer is said as the shawl is begun and then many prayers are added with the stitches. Recipients are members of WHLC and non-members alike who are ill, recovering from a personal event, in need of consolation with the loss of a loved one, or those in celebration of a birth/baptism. Contact Bonnie Hyda or Sharman Blake if you are interested in joining the Prayer Shawl Ministry!