Jesus said, “Let the children come to me!”
Children of all ages are always welcome to worship with their families, and they get to participate in various ways during our worship services!
Sing – Children can sing many of the songs and responses. Children’s music ensembles offer their gifts every month in worship.
Pray – Even very young children can learn to offer their prayers during worship.
Listen – During the children’s message, the Pastor will share a story that connects to the readings or theme of the day.
Create & Play – Busy Bags are located in the narthex for kids to engage in during worship, and are regularly updated throughout the year. The Nursery is also always available for little ones to wiggle and play during the service.
Our nursery offers a welcoming environment for young children, birth through 5 years old. Comfortable chairs, changing facilities, and a “toddler-sized” restroom are also available.