Church News (Page 4)

Church News (Page 4)

Racism Conversation

During the season of Lent, we are holding a community conversation on racism. On the first two Sundays we viewed the documentary “Unchained: Generational Trauma and Healing” made available by the American Bible Society. This Emmy-nominated film sheds light on the negative traumatic effects of slavery that are still being experienced by individuals and families…

Strong in Faith, Together in Mission

“Strong in Faith, Together in Mission“ is the 3rd, three-year campaign that supports our most recent facility renovation and expansion project. This appeal will support the ongoing growth in mission and ministry that are now possible through our facility. Learn how this project helps us do God’s work with our hands for the good of the world by watching this video.…

Faith and Science

Are you interested in the intersection between faith and science? Check out the current issue of Covalence, the monthly online magazine published by the Lutheran Alliance for Faith, Science and Technology. Covalence for September 2018