Adult Ministries
Ministries for adults include many activities for a variety of interests and schedules. Check out the WHLC newsletter, bulletin, e-weekly, and calendar for more details. Activities are also available for children and youth.
Mary Circle Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study
The men’s Bible study group discusses the Scriptures appointed for the coming weekend services. Coffee and donuts fuel the conversation.
Ruth Circle – Women’s Bible Study
Windsor Bells
Alleluia Choir
Pastor’s Bible Study
Pub Theology
What should be the relationship between our intellect and faith? Are faith and reason incompatible? Does your intellect ever hinder your faith, or is your faith enriched by critical thinking? Pub theology meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. All are welcome to join the discussion. If you would like to receive an email with background information…