Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
As we come to the end of the first week of suspended in-person activities and services, let us remind you of the plans we are following in response to the information we have received from credible public health sources.
- Worship – We will not hold in-person worship at least through March 31, possibly longer. In the meantime, worship will continue online. Worship for March 21-22 has been recorded, including music, and will be on the website – – by 5:00 Saturday. Beginning next Wednesday, March 25, with Holden Evening Prayer, all services will be “live” online. Simply follow the link on our website to join. One of the most important things we can do in the days ahead is to continue to gather as a community for Word and Prayer.
- Faith Formation Activities – All classes, groups, and activities are cancelled until we receive word that it is safe to gather in groups. Some online resources for scripture reading and prayer for all ages are already on the website and more will be added in the next few days.
- Council & Other Meetings – All face-to-face meetings are suspended at least through the end of March. The Congregation Council will hold its March 24 meeting by video conference.
- Community Groups – The building has been closed through March 31 to all community groups.
- Office Hours – Staff is working both at home and in the office. Someone will be present in the office Monday-Friday to receive mail and phone calls. Contact staff by phone and email. At this time, safe in-person meetings are still possible, but please call first to arrange a time.
- Ministry – Staff are working very hard to continue congregational ministry through email and other media. Check our Facebook page often and “like” and follow us if you have not already done so.
- Offering & Giving – The expenses of being church will not decrease during this time of social distancing. Like all churches, the majority of our monthly giving comes from passing the offering plates on Sundays. If your income has not been impacted by the COVID-19 emergency, please do everything possible to remain current on your giving. You may give by:
- Mailing a check to the office. Your offering envelope is designed for mailing. Just add a stamp. If you have misplaced your offering envelopes, our mailing address is: Windsor Heights Lutheran Church – 1240 66th Street – Windsor Heights, IA 50324
- Dropping your envelope in the secure box outside the office. Call first to make sure that a staff member is there to let you into the building.
- Signing up for automatic deductions from your checking account with Simply Giving. Call Heidi at 277-6277 if you would like information on how to sign up.
- Medical Advisory Group – In addition to public health officials, we are receiving good advice on how to negotiate this health emergency from a group of members who are healthcare professionals.
Stay tuned for future updates. Most of all, stay calm and trust that you are held securely in God’s love. Look for ways to help others each day, and pray for the wellbeing of all.
In peace,
Pastor Chris, Pastor Robin, Heidi, and Zach
One Comment
Carol Huisman
Thank you all for your faithful and prayerful service.